Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I be seen?

We hold clinics at a number of sites across Berkshire and all of these can be viewed within the navigation.

Most insurance companies cover your initial biomechanical assessment and gait analysis with Mr Gallogly. It is your responsibility to check with your insurance company before your appointment and provide your authorization number. They may not cover your follow up appointments.

Insurance companies do not cover the cost of insoles or braces.

The responsibility for any outstanding bills is the patients. If your insurance company does not pay, the fee with be converted to self funding for payment.

Suitable, loose fitting or comfortable clothes. It may be helpful to wear/bring shorts to your appointment if you can.
Do I need to bring anything?

During the initial stages of your appointment your clinician will ascertain the current problem/s you are having and the aims you would like to achieve. You will be asked questions about your problem, your general health and any activities that you undertake. Following this, a physical examination will be carried out and your walking/gait will be assessed. At this stage we will explain to you the reasons for your problem, if it is not already known and also some options of managing your problem. If you agree to have a customed orthosis we will take some drawings/plaster casts/moulds of your affected area and arrange an appointment with you to come back and have your prescribed orthosis fitted.

You may experience some soreness after your assessment. This should settle down within a few days. Please contact us if the discomfort does not settle.

Follow your normal routine with your medication.

Please let us know when booking your appointment if you wish to be accompanied during your treatment. You are very welcome to bring a relative, partner or friend with you. If you wish to have a chaperone present when being treated, please request this.

Please give us at least 24hours notice if you wish to cancel or reschedule your appointment.

Initially, no! It is very important that when you get a new Orthosis, you take your time and break it in. This is done in hourly increments until you are able to wear it with no problems. This takes around two weeks. Our Orthoses are designed to fit into most of your footwear and can be transferred.

It is impossible to guarantee that an Orthosis will fit into all your footwear, given the number of designs available. We encourage you to take some of your footwear to your initial appointment if this is an area you are concerned about.

It usually takes 6-8 weeks before you will be able to reflect on how your orthosis is helping.

This depends on how much you use it and also the material it’s made from. In general however most orthoses will last approximately 12-18 months. Some orthoses can last as much as 4-5years. It really varies from person to person.

The consultation fee is covered through most health insurers but the cost of the orthoses are not.

You should have separate sport insoles as they tend to require a different style of material may become very worn very quickly if you are transferring them from sports to everyday footwear.

Existing patient

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